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The Teachers

Catherine McGee
has been teaching Insight Meditation in the UK and internationally since 1997. Her teaching emphasises embodiment and working with whatever hinders us from living our deepest knowing in the world. She is an advisor to One Earth Sangha and a long term student of the Diamond Approach.


Yanai Postelnik
Since first encountering Buddha-dharma and meditation, while travelling in Asia in 1989, I have devoted my life to practising, studying and serving the dharma full time, and have been leading insight meditation retreats in the UK and world wide since 1993. I also lead various courses combining meditation and silence with being in nature, and find this to be a wonderful combination. This camp combines these with our sharing and living together and offers many rich possibilities.

Brad Richecoeur
This camp brings together many of my passions in life – the Dharma, Qigong, nature and community! I have been involved in Dharma practice since 1985 and began studying Qigong with Master Zhixing Wang in 1989 and begun teaching in 1994. I offer retreats at Gaia House and Bala Brook in Devon, as well as ongoing Qigong groups in Devon and Hampshire. I am also an experienced bodyworker with a Craniosacral Therapist practice in Devon.

Kirsten Kratz                   

I first came across Insight Meditation in India in 1993 and started teaching in 2006. Currently I support those on personal retreat in Gaia House. One of my passions is exploring how wisdom teachings can foster appropriate responses to the challenges of our time. I co-initiated the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (DANCE). Having the privilege of being involved in different expressions of dharma I delight in their mutual enrichment and cross-fertilisation. I am particularly interested in the community aspect of the BDS camp; the beauty, the challenges and the rich soil it provides for our individual and collective maturing.

In the tradition of the Buddha, the dharma teachings are considered precious and beyond price.
 The camp teachers Kirsten, Yanai, Brad and Catherine, share their experience and understanding without being paid from the camp fees for offering the teaching. They rely upon the generosity and financial support of those who value the teachings to live in this way. “Dana” means generosity and sharing what we have, to support that which we value. Participants on the camp will be invited to offer dana to the teachers in this spirit.

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